Are you prepared for an emergency? September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA. (No matter what month you are reading this it still applies!) Will you be ready if an emergency or natural disaster happens like an earthquake, flood, tornado or wildfire? The question should really be not “if” but “when”. While most of us might not live in an earthquake or tornado area, a house fire can erupt at any time. The US government has prepared some fantastic resources on their website at … [Read more...]
Inexpensive Tool to Help You Remember
With such busy lives, it's hard enough to remember day-to-day what happened in your life. If you have aging parents, at some point you begin to step in more and more in their lives. We often get asked for an easy system to help with remembering all the details, conversations and tasks we have with our parents. Now don't laugh. We find this very effective - and inexpensive too. It is a simple spiral notebook. You can get one for a just a few dollars at any store that sells office … [Read more...]
What’s Your One Thing?
It's the beginning of the year and I hope you made some sort of New Year’s Resolution. For many of us, we looked back at the previous year and are angry with ourselves for not doing something right. I can’t tell you how many times this has something to do with managing ours, or a family member’s, personal finances. We intended to do one or some of the following: Setup a workable filing system for all the paper Setup a place to pay bills where everything is handy so that the boring job … [Read more...]