Imagine one of these scenarios:

- You have a serious accident and are in the hospital.
- A spouse, who took care of most of the household affairs, becomes
seriously ill or dies.
- A parent, who has privately managed their daily affairs, passes away.
Can someone step in and easily know how to handle the daily life affairs of the family? Or, will they have to spend hours or days sifting through papers to find even basic information – like the location of the trust or will? Who is the estate attorney? Who are the essential doctors? What is the blood type? Which vet took care of the precious pet? And a whole lot more…
The Life Affairs Information Binder is a single place to document the countless contacts, accounts, and decisions made to run your family affairs. When information is on papers spread throughout the home or contained in memory, it will be time consuming and laborious for someone to step-in and keep affairs flowing. This burden usually falls on a spouse, family member or a good friend. The primary purpose of this binder is to allow quick and proper action in the event of an emergency. Twelve sections of easy forms are a roadmap that make it painless to get organized and encompass the most critical areas of life. We are sure there is information you have not even thought of documenting yet, and will be thankful to have.
See for Yourself! (click images below to enlarge)
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Choose Your Preferred Option
Life Affairs Binder (Download) – $39
Get a PDF file to download so you can print the forms on your own. Includes Get Started Instructions and all the forms for the inside of the binder. You provide your own binder and tabs plus print the almost 100 pages yourself. Once your payment is confirmed, you will be directed to a webpage so you can download the file.
Life Affairs Binder (Mailed) – $69 + tax and shipping/handling
We mail you a complete binder ready to go. Includes a high quality binder, tabs, forms and Get Started Instructions. Almost 100 pages in total. Save time and hassle.
We want you to sleep better at night knowing that your life affairs are in order. We’re confident you will with our Life Affairs Information Binder!
Frequently Asked Questions
How sensitive is the information in the binder? The binder intentionally doesn’t include full account numbers or the current monetary value of financial assets – unless you decide to include them. The person who becomes your life affairs manager will at least know what you have and who to call. They will be grateful you’ve made their job easier.
How long does it take to complete the binder? From our experience, it can take from 3-10 hours to complete “enough” of the sections. (Yes, this can be done in multiple sessions!) Complete the forms using information pulled from other source documents or from discussions with family members. We give you helpful hints to save time yet still get the pertinent data in the binder. A lot will depend on your stage in life, how many people in the family and how organized is the source information.
Who should complete the binder? We think everyone should have a binder for their immediate family, even if you are single. Some people will sit with aging parents and complete a binder for them. They will be the ones eventually handling their parent’s affairs, so it is in both of their interests to have things clear and in order. The binder facilitates a communication exchange that has often times been uncomfortable to start.
Can I get more blank forms? Of course! If pages are messy and you want to start over or need additional forms because you have a very large family, just ask and we’ll email the ones needed, at no cost. If the product was downloaded, you can always reprint them.
How are you qualified to offer this information? We created this product after years of helping people manage their daily finances and life affairs. Plus, we’ve done it for our parents and ourselves. We’ve learned what information is essential to handle someone’s life affairs.
I don’t want to order online, where can I mail you a check? Send your $89.35 check plus shipping address to: At Home FinanceCare, LLC, PO Box 12045, Newport Beach CA 92658.
Will you ever have an electronic version of your product? I want to enter and update information in an electronic file and store it on my computer. Yes, we are currently working on such a product. Anyone who buys a Life Affairs Information Binder today (download or mailed) will be able to get a free version of the electronic forms when it is ready.
What if I don’t like the product, can I return it? If we mailed you a complete binder, it may be returned within 60 days. Your purchase price (not including shipping/handling), less a 10% restocking fee, will be refunded. Sorry, there are no refunds on product downloads.
I know I won’t complete the binder on my own, but know I should have one, can you help me? Yes, we have a program for this. Give us a call at 949-246-8083. If you live in Orange County, California, we can personally meet with you to complete the binder. If not, we can meet via the phone to ensure this happens. We’ll do what it takes because we feel this is critical.
Don’t see your question answered here? Contact us!