After someone dies, do not rush out to close their bank account right away. As the person, winding up their affairs, it will make your life much easier. Many financial transactions are auto deposited into a bank account and it will be easier if the account is open to receive these funds. In addition, some companies will want a refund for monies given and will debit (take back) the money automatically, making your job easier. You WILL need to notify the bank by bringing in an original death … [Read more...]
How to handle the bank account after someone dies
Be prepared for an emergency

Are you prepared for an emergency? September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by FEMA. (No matter what month you are reading this it still applies!) Will you be ready if an emergency or natural disaster happens like an earthquake, flood, tornado or wildfire? The question should really be not “if” but “when”. While most of us might not live in an earthquake or tornado area, a house fire can erupt at any time. The US government has prepared some fantastic resources on their website at … [Read more...]
Pull Your Taxes Together Faster: 3 Tools To Help You Be More Organized

Like most people, you recently received a thick packet from your tax preparer that needs to be completed and returned along with copies of documents so they can prepare your tax returns. The “documents” keep arriving in the mail and if it even hints at being “tax-like” you save it…somewhere. I’ve never heard anyone be excited about getting their tax information together. Most people delay up until the last possible moment. They hunt around for everything in the “somewhere” pile and are not … [Read more...]