Small business owners...notch your belt! (If you're not a small business owner then this applies to your personal finances.) With the continuing economic crisis in America, you can certainly say that our financial situation is a bummer. No one is even sure when the down-slide will stop. It’s enough to lead a person to do things they know aren’t right! I know for our family and my business, it’s made me stop and take another serious look at what we’re spending. Reconsidering our spending … [Read more...]
Tax Prep Tip: Auto License Fee
Here's another tip to help you save time getting your tax information together for the Tax Preparer! If you use money management software like Quicken, most of us record the annual check we write to the Department of Motor Vehicles to a category like "Auto:Registration". As you make the entry, take the time to enter on the Memo line the amount that is tax deductible. You will find this identified on your bill. Now as you prepare your Tax Organizer worksheets for your Tax Preparer, the amount … [Read more...]
Great article on what a DMM does – American Way magazine
Yes, we are Daily Money Manager's (DMM). Still not sure what we do? Check out this great article titled Money Matters in the February 15, 2013 edition of American Way magazine. It highlights the services of our colleague in Austin, TX, Elizabeth Ball. We had to chuckle as the stories are spot on! While we do have clients all across the country, most are in the Orange County, California area where we live. Contact us to see how we can help you! … [Read more...]
Improve the Business of Life – starting with your finances
Jill and I are excited to launch our new company, At Home FinanceCare LLC. The name fits our focus on the personal financial side of life. While we’ve been helping small businesses for over 15 years with their accounting and operation needs, many of our clients have asked us to also take over managing their daily finances and other personal affairs. We’ve found that people asked for help for several reasons: They are busy raising families and/or running a business and have no time to keep … [Read more...]